Since landscaping trees are an investment and can add value to your property, keeping them viable is very important. If you are considering trimming your trees as a way to maintain that viability, there are some things to consider beforehand. For instance, you should consider that there are ideal times to trim a tree. This article will examine some of those ideal times.

If branches are low-hanging, they can be a risk to life or property. Pedestrians, joggers, or cyclists may inadvertently run into branches. Low-hanging branches may clog gutters or interfere with other sources of drainage. Even as a part of a large tree, a low-hanging branch may compromise rooftops, fences, or vehicles below.

Depending upon location, low-hanging branches may also affect a neighbor’s property. Unfortunately, the chances for low-hanging branches to become threats to life or property increase during inclement weather. The weight of snow or ice, heavy winds, or lightning can cause low-hanging branches to become quite dangerous. This can leave the property owner legally and financially responsible for any damages. If you find yourself in such a situation, consider trimming any problematic trees on your property as quickly as possible.

Deciduous trees are those that lose foliage at the end of the growing season. If you have any deciduous trees needing to be trimmed that are not an imminent threat to life or property and time will allow, consider trimming them during the winter months. This is because trees become dormant during cold weather. When a tree is trimmed at this time, chances are lessened that springtime budding will be negatively affected. Maintaining your landscaping trees by trimming them does not have to cost you your beautiful springtime blooms.

Another reason to consider trimming a tree is for better manageability. Sometimes the natural growth of a tree can cause branches to overhang one another. Ultimately, this can lessen the tree’s chances for survival. If overhang is a problem, this is another ideal time for a tree to be trimmed. However, it is best to do so when the tree is young and the overhang affects branches which are relatively new and small. Consult an Austin tree trimming specialist for any inquiries you may have or to secure professional trimming services for your property.

Finally, you can safely trim a tree anytime the branches are dead. In fact, doing so lessens the risk of disease, termites, or other stressors which could impact the overall health of the part of the tree which remains viable. If, at any point, however, other parts of the tree become unhealthy or die, you can contact an Austin tree removal specialist, who can advise you whether or not the tree can be saved and can assist you with its removal if it cannot.

Taking these scenarios into consideration can assist you with your tree trimming projects. However, if you need further assistance with any questions you may have or any actions you may wish to take, contact a qualified arborist for support.

About the Author: Andrew Johnson is the owner of Central Texas Tree Care, a leading provider of Austin tree services in Central Texas. Certified ISA Austin arborist services including: tree trimming, tree removal, tree care and stump removal. For more information on Austin tree service please visit

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