Many homeowners go to great lengths to keep their landscapes well-maintained and healthy. Consulting and working with professional arborists, aligning properties with fences and working to limit, or completely eliminate, wildlife from encroaching upon a property are just a few examples of things that are often done to care for a landscape.

However, what if a homeowner desires to establish a landscape that is aesthetic, but also attracts wildlife, specifically deer? There are ways to make a landscape both attractive to and suitable for deer. Here are a few ideas how.

First, speak with an Austin wildlife specialist or perhaps a hunting club representative. Often, these individuals are quite knowledgeable when it comes to the specifics of deer in Austin. They can most likely address such questions as when do they begin to move, in which conditions do they best thrive and what do they eat. Answers to each of these certainly gives a homeowner desirous of making his/her landscape an environmentally-friendly one a great place to start in establishing such a place.

Second, plant trees, grasses and other sustenance that will attract deer to your landscape. Consider planting oaks, which produce acorns, a favorite for deer, or trees bearing fruit, such as pear, cherry or apple. You might also consider planting a clover patch, another favorite of deer, or adding a salt lick to an area of your property which is well hidden from view. This is because the deer will ardently dig to get to the salt and other minerals found in a salt lick. After several years of this behavior, it is probable that some of the soil will be displaced, and likely an eyesore, due to this manner of excavation.

Bear in mind that it may take some time, perhaps several seasons, before any trees you plant mature enough to achieve the purpose of attracting or feeding deer. Also, be especially cautious as to the proper care of any oak trees you plant, as oak wilt in Austin, although preventable, has become a growing problem in recent years. A licensed Austin tree trimming professional should be contacted immediately for assistance if you suspect that an oak on your property is affected by oak wilt.

Third, you might also consider planting areas of dense shrubbery or pine trees. Shrubs and accumulations of pine needles are preferred sources of bedding for deer.

Finally, be mindful of other animals that may be present on the property, whether welcomed or not. Pets, such as dogs, and other regionally-specific wildlife, such as mountain lions, bobcats, foxes and coyotes, may frighten the deer you set out and put forth such diligent effort to attract. Any natural opposition that exists between them could lead to injury to the animals, unsuspecting individuals or property.

Because a lack of food sources during the colder months could lead to a slow and cruel death through starvation for a species that is frequently overpopulated, these are great ways to help ensure the survival of perhaps one of the most beautiful and graceful of all wild creatures. If you have questions about how you can make your landscaping trees and other plant life both beautiful and provisional for the local deer herd, contact an Austin tree care specialist for guidance.

About the Author: Andrew Johnson is the owner of Central Texas Tree Care, a leading provider of Austin tree service in Central Texas. Certified ISA Austin arborist services including: tree trimming, tree removal, tree care and oak wilt treatment. For more information on Austin tree service, please visit

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